The Power of Your Voice

Angela Spears Communication Portfolio


Marketing • Public Relations • Community Engagement

adams Street Station

Services Rendered: PR Consultancy, Media Outreach, Social Media Development, Video Production and Graphic Design

Social Media: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

CLARA WHITE MISSION & white harvest farms

Services Rendered: PR Consultancy, Media Outreach, Social Media Development, Graphic Design and Video Production

Social Media: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Clara White Mission Newsletter

“Angela Spears, of Angela Spears Communication, has the ability to follow through on whatever PR task that is assigned to her by the Clara White Mission. Her professionalism is top notch and surpassed only by her enthusiasm to participate, her drive to exceed and succeed by her determination to make a marketing difference for her customers.”
- Ju’Coby Pittman, Clara White Mission President/CEO


Services Rendered: PR Consultancy, Media Outreach, Social Media Development, Graphic Design and Website Design

Social Media: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Guardian ad Litem Newsletter

Keep Florida Beautiful

Services Rendered: PR Consultancy, Media Outreach and Social Media Development

Social Media: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

“Nothing beats working with Angela! Her energy and enthusiasm are never ending and her work products hit the mark every time. Angela’s expertise has taken Keep Florida Beautiful to a new level on social media.” 
— Mary Jean Yon, Keep Florida Beautiful Executive Director

Keep Manatee Beautiful

Services Rendered: PR Consultancy, Media Outreach and Social Media Development

Social Media: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Keep Manatee Beautiful Newsletter

Northwest Jacksonville Community Development Corporation

Services Rendered: PR Consultancy, Media Outreach, Community Outreach, Video Production and 2018 & 2019 Annual Report Design

Social Media: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Brochure: Click to see the full Prospectus

“You have provided the most dynamic work for the Northwest Jacksonville CDC and its affiliates. I am proud to recommend you and your company to anyone. Thanks for what you do in making our company shine.”
— Paul Tutwiler, Northwest Community Development Corporation CEO